Wednesday, 24 April 2013

It is definitely harder to maintain a fitness program during school holidays with house guests [GRRRRR]

For the past two and a half weeks I have had my Parents in Law staying with me from Europe - keeping it vague :-)  I have been trying to show them a good time and present myself as a totally normal mother who cooks one meal for the whole family every night, where as the reality is that I usually feed the kids and then later I eat my high protein low fat low carb dinner.  I did try them on this for a bit, but it felt pretty mean watching them go to bed hungry.  It is enough that I don't serve afternoon tea of home made cake every day and that they have to eat their high carb breakfast on their own.

Throw into that challenge the added pressure of school holidays which is when I usually give up all hope of getting to the gym in combination with actually going away to a Resort in the Whitsundays (see my Simpiet Instagram photo below) for a week where you have to eat every meal and snack in a restaurant and yes - I am scared to get on the scales.  And I was drinking alcohol too - uh oh.

My loving husband put on 2kg's under those circumstances and I am hoping that I would not have done quite as much damage - but I am not even going to check until school has been back for a week and the PIL's have gone back home.  When I look in the mirror I look like I haven't changed much and I really did feel much more comfortable by the pool on holidays than I would have otherwise.  Anyway - stay tuned for the dreaded weigh-in, in about a week or so.

Having said all of that, I did keep quite active while away.  I went to a Yoga class, a Pilates class, kayaking, hiking, and went to they gym for cardio.  The Pilates was the stand out as it ended up being a 1:1 class, so lots of fab attention from the instructor.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Drunk on motivation

I have definitely been remiss in not blogging of late, especially with so much exciting stuff to relate.  So my 9 weeks was up last week and I kicked butt.  Losing my 6kgs and 7cms off my bust getting my waist down to 78cms and losing more than 13cms off my waist and losing 7cms off my hips and I have lost 4% body fat!  I am buying size 10 and size S. My old clothes are sitting so differently on me. In find all this very inspiring.  I continue to be amazed by my muscle development.  My strength posture and grace of movement (dare I say) are very noticeable to me.  People who haven't seen me for a few weeks are noticing. It is very gratifying.

I have reset my goals.  My PT is very flexible and non prescriptive.  He is no fan of BMI, but we have agreed on losing another 1%+ of body fat and I suggested that I could probably aim to lose a further 3-4kg, which would take me to my fighting weight when I fell pregnant with DS1 in 2002. My Macro Nutrient daily goals have been recalculated thanks to some mysterious algorithm that the Visionpt trainers have access to and the pressure has come off in relative terms, to eat so much protein.  Which is a bit of a relief, but I have also gotten lower targets for fat and carbs.

Check this out!  It lets me off a bit given that I am currently at 31% at 44yo.

What is a Healthy Body Fat Percentage?
Age-Adjusted Body Fat Charts for Men and Women
If you look around the Internet, you will see a lot of different recommendations for body fat percentages. As far as I can tell, this is the most authoritative, as it is based on World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health recommendations, and takes age into account. Please do not confuse these numbers with the BMI (Body Mass Index) scores, which are not the same thing.
Age-Adusted Body Fat Percentage Recommendations
AgeUnderfatHealthy RangeOverweightObese
20-40 yrsUnder 21%21-33%33-39%Over 39%
41-60 yrsUnder 23%23-35%35-40%Over 40%
61-79 yrsUnder 24%24-36%36-42%Over 42%
AgeUnderfatHealthy RangeOverweightObese
20-40 yrsUnder 8%8-19%19-25%Over 25%
41-60 yrsUnder 11%11-22%22-27%Over 27%
61-79 yrsUnder 13%13-25%25-30%Over 30%
Source: Gallagher et al. Am J Clin Nut 2000; 72:694-701

I can see where the term gym junkie comes from, as improving on your body in this way can be very compelling.  I am a bit like a reformed smoker - don't start me, because I have definitely been drinking the cool aid.

I feel as though I am in a rhythm now and as if I have really broken the back of my fitness challenge, so I don't feel as though the program is as restrictive as the last goal period.  I am training toward a 10km Nike Run in May but I won't kill myself to get into peak running shape, as my body still requires a bit of nursing through this process.

Combined with my Philosophy course, great friends and family, I am feeling lot calmer and happier in myself generally. I am looking forward to an upcoming holiday.  I will feel better by the pool, running around after my kids, joining into activities etc.  What a worthwhile investment.  It has made me really aware of the excuses that people use not to go ahead and do something for themselves.  But everyone needs to come to it in their own time for their own reasons and I am so lucky to have a supportive husband who is on a similar journey.