Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Reached another goal!

I embarked on my fitness journey with Vision Personal Training.  The way they organise you is in 9 week blocks.  So every 9 weeks you reset your goals.  My first goal was to lose 6kgs which I achieved and my second goal was to lose a further 3 kgs which I achieved as well.  I am feeling fantastic, and people are certainly noticing the difference.  The biggest difference is that I have lost 14cms off my waist and I have muscles.  I am ecstatic, but I need to stay focused to make sure I can maintain this fabulous new figure, and hopefully convert some fat to muscle in the process

A couple of days ago, I achieved another milestone.  I stepped out my front door and ran 5kms on my own.  Mad. I am truly shocked and surprised.  I have two events coming up.  The first one toward the end of July is a 5km Fun Run.  It is likely that the route will be quite hilly which has me concerned.  I only signed up to support a girlfriend who recently joined my gym.  A couple of kilometres into my weekend run I decided that I should forget about the girlfriend and the $18 registration and just not turn up, but then I found my rhythm.  In my goal setting session with Paul we extrapolated from my 10km time in the Nike She Runs to come up with a 5km goal, of running it in under 30mins.  And guess what?  My first time out I ran it in 33!  So the upshot is that I think it is definitely possible to shave 3mins off my time over the next few weeks.  Woo hoo!

The second event is a Colour Run in Centennial Park in August, which my PT doesn't take very seriously as he thinks the throwing of colour is quite distracting. Maybe - but I do love colour.

In fashion news, I am heading out with girlfriends for the weekend to hit the sales in Melbourne.  I have found it impossible to buy online as I am not sure of my size now and even don't trust the styles that catch my eye, as it is pretty hard for me to let go of the style rules I have been following for my 10kg heavier frame over the last 10 years (thanks Trinny and Susannah).

In family news, we are heading off on a ski trip shortly, so I have been squatting, lunging, and stepping up till it hurts, but thankfully the pressure has come off a bit as my now 5yo d
aughter fractured her shoulder on a jumping castle at our School Fair, and so we have scaled back her attendance at ski school and I am happy to step into the breach created and am looking forward to doing some low key sight seeing - just us girls.

In the kitchen I have been having an intense baking time, princess castle, flourless chocolate cake, Gluten Free Mandarin Macadamia cake, chocolate chip macaroons, banana and hazelnut cake, AND it is really really hard not to sample the goods.