A couple of days ago, I achieved another milestone. I stepped out my front door and ran 5kms on my own. Mad. I am truly shocked and surprised. I have two events coming up. The first one toward the end of July is a 5km Fun Run. It is likely that the route will be quite hilly which has me concerned. I only signed up to support a girlfriend who recently joined my gym. A couple of kilometres into my weekend run I decided that I should forget about the girlfriend and the $18 registration and just not turn up, but then I found my rhythm. In my goal setting session with Paul we extrapolated from my 10km time in the Nike She Runs to come up with a 5km goal, of running it in under 30mins. And guess what? My first time out I ran it in 33! So the upshot is that I think it is definitely possible to shave 3mins off my time over the next few weeks. Woo hoo!
The second event is a Colour Run in Centennial Park in August, which my PT doesn't take very seriously as he thinks the throwing of colour is quite distracting. Maybe - but I do love colour.

In family news, we are heading off on a ski trip shortly, so I have been squatting, lunging, and stepping up till it hurts, but thankfully the pressure has come off a bit as my now 5yo d
aughter fractured her shoulder on a jumping castle at our School Fair, and so we have scaled back her attendance at ski school and I am happy to step into the breach created and am looking forward to doing some low key sight seeing - just us girls.

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