My diet and exercise is shot. I have put on 2kgs last time I looked, but maybe it is more by now. I have lost my motivation to move. I am trying to keep my PT appointments but dragging 3 kids to my gym is not very practical. Trust me I tried it this week, and it all would have been just bearable till 2 other women turn up with their kids. Vision is not the kind that has the facilities to entertain them. Actually my other gym has facilities but my kids have ceased to be cooperative about going there since they were about 4.
I am literally thinking it would be easier to work FT! At least I would have some kind of routine and I would have some adult company in a non-child friendly environment! But who am I kidding! By the time I found a suitable job that justified the disruption to all of our lives and paid for the childcare I would be kicking myself for ever having considered doing it and piling myself high with guilt and shame for not handling it better and for not realising how good I had it in my full-time SAHM life.
I feel ridicuous complaining really. Maybe I am over-reacting, but my feelings are valid for me aren't they? Bring on the school year. Stay posted to hear me complain about:
- rushing to get out the door in the morning
- all of my children's extracurricular activities
- school gate politics
- the shortness of the school day
- lost pieces of uniform
- not knowing what food to pack for the kids each day
- etc.
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